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Robin de Raaff

"Robin de Raaff's highly impressive Piano Concerto" Paul Griffiths, New York Times

Robin de Raaff (born 1968) is a Dutch composer. He has written five symphonies, eleven concertos, an oratorio entitled Atlantis, and two main stage operas. The last opera Waiting for Miss Monroe is about the tragic death of Marilyn Monroe sung by American soprano Laura Aikin. The first opera RAAFF is an opera about the complex relationship between the older Anton Raaff and the young M. (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart) in their struggle to create the world premiere of Idomeneo. Both operas were commissioned by Dutch National Opera coproduced by the Holland Festival. Since 2001 Robin de Raaff has been teaching Composition and Instrumentation at Codarts, University for the Arts in Rotterdam.

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/3waWszjyniaesKFXAwVeae?si=vPht31wJRv-LzfprCw5STA