Nuno Lobo

Interested in surrealistic narratives, in inter-disciplinary collaborations and in developping “virtual operas”

Nuno Lobo is a composer based in Amsterdam. During the year of 2020, he was the Young Composer in Residence at Casa da Música (Porto) and composition guest teacher at the Fontys School of Fine and Performing Arts (Tilburg). Nuno Lobo is interested in surrealistic narratives, in inter-disciplinary collaborations and in developing “virtual operas”, which showcase his own interpretation of the operatic form.

As a composer, he received commissions from the Dutch National Opera, Festival d’Aix-en-Provence, Gaudeamus, Oranjewoud Festival, Nieuw Ensemble, Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ, Dutch Classical Talent, Oranjewoud Festival, RTP / Antena 2, Studio de Moed and Maat Saxophone Quartet. He had the chance to collaborate with festivals/institutions as the Delft Fringe Festival, Opera Forward Festival, November Music, V Festival Antena 2, IV Encontro Internacional de Piano Contemporâneo (Porto), or International Conference of Saxophones EuroSax’17.

His music received several awards and nominations, including competitions as the SIMM - New Music for harpsichord (Milan), Megalopolis Saxophone Orchestra (New York), Tera de Marez Oyens Award (Utrecht), Sophia Estudante - Academia Portuguesa de Cinema (Lisboa) or Goodmesh Concours (Den Haag). Recently, he participated as orchestrator and conductor of the soundtrack for the movie “Ice Merchants”, nominated for one Oscar, winner of best short-film in Cannes Festival (La Semaine de la Critique) and more than other 90 international awards. In 2021, his piece “303 | Circ. Praça Constituição” was nominated for "Best work of classical music 2021" by the Portuguese Society of Authors (SPA).