De keuze van Maxim Shalygin
Maxim Shalygin luisterde in zijn studentenflat in Kyiv naar Louis Andriessen. Hij verhuisde naar Nederland om aan het Koninklijk Conservatorium verder te studeren. Hij is in Den Haag blijven wonen en uitgegroeid tot een van de meest markante componisten in ons land. Spraakmakend is zijn cyclus ‘SIMILAR’: grote stukken voor ensembles met gelijksoortige instrumenten. Hij wil er een levenswerk van maken. De eerste vier voltooide delen stonden op het programma van het afgelopen Minimal Music Festival in het Amsterdamse Muziekgebouw. Zijn eerste opera gaat volgend seizoen in première. Voor New Music NOW selecteerde hij nieuwe muziek, die in zijn ogen er echt toe doet. Composities waar hij zielsveel van houdt.
This is a list of pieces by living composers, which in my opinion should be performed in every hall in the world, maybe in another world, where people will wake up and understand that there is more than Beethoven and Mahler. The composers I have chosen are not only unique, but they represent musical thought at its best and most diverse.
Svyatoslav Lunyov – TUTTI for symphony orchestra
I was lucky enough to attend the premiere of this masterpiece in Kyiv years ago. Since then, it has become the orchestral work I have listened to most often. There is a clear connection with Ligeti, but at the same time Lunyov takes the same technique to a new emotional level.
Martin Smolka – Semplice
Martin Smolka sometimes composes strange and beautiful pieces. His works often defy categorization within a distinct style. In Semplice he combines old and new instruments. But that is not the only thing that makes this piece attractive. There is a certain magic in what he is doing here. A fragile beauty that is so rare these days.
Valentin Silvestrov – Symphony no. 5
Fortunately, Valentin Silvestrov is now a little better known in the world. There are many pieces by him that can bring a lot of beauty into your life. But his Fifth Symphony stays with me as the essence of what he has achieved. He builds the structure of a symphony as if it were a song. It's full of passion and lyrical touching moments, but they don't jump out of the structure, they're part of it … The inner beauty of this music is deep and piercing. It's like walking on broken glass towards your love.
Georg Friedrich Haas – Limited Approaches
And now for something completely different. Limited Approaches by Georg Friedrich Haas. It is different to the previous pieces on this playlist, but it also occupies a special place in Haas's oeuvre. This piece is composed for 6 microtonally tuned pianos and orchestra. When you open the score, it looks like a grey page. And somehow it sounds like it. This is an amazing immersion in the space of unknown sound, where you are carried by waves of crazy amplitude. If you want to get lost and dissolve, this music is a good way to achieve it. The only drawback is that this piece is so short.
Arvo Pärt – Passio
Many things have been said about Arvo Pärt. His music lives in the hearts of many people all over the world. From time to time I listen to Passio. This work has many attractive qualities. If it is possible to write nobility in music, he has done it with astonishing precision. This is the music of still waters.
Paweł Szymański – Two Etudes for Piano
There are many pieces by Paweł Szymański that I would recommend listening to. Recordings of his work are not always easy to find. But check out his etudes. Don’t wait. His imagination is brilliant.
Peter Kerkelov – Attempt at Screaming
Peter Kerkelov writes refined, sophisticated music. The material for each of his works seems to be carefully examined as if it were some kind of secret mechanism for producing beauty and harmony. Attempt at Screaming is a work that shows how the fragility of matter in music can draw you into the depths of doubt and experience.
David Lang – Death Speaks
David Lang's prominence in the world of modern music needs little introduction. Death Speaks stands out in his oeuvre as an important new approach to the vocal cycle. A good example of how you can speak sincerely without looking back.
Josquin Desprez – Nymphes des Bois
I decided to add this recording by ensemble Graindelavoix and their conductor Björn Schmelzer, because this performance is not just a performance, the way this ensemble approaches early music scores is unique. I feel that they have such a deep understanding of the nature of the musical material that they can add elements to it and make it sound extremely contemporary, but at the same time as natural and sensitive as we can imagine. Incredible.
Kijk ook deze video's 3
De trailer van de film 'Raising Waves' en de uitvoering van 'Severade'
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